Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Bevy of Blogs: The Delight of Unintended Outcomes

Life is full of unexpected delights. For example, I have been delighted by the many unintended outcomes of my simple New Year’s decision to post weekly on the theme of poetry. The most delightful surprises have come in the form of opportunities to contribute to the efforts of other bloggers that are tipping the balance toward goodness in the blogosphere.

It is my honor to introduce you to these portals of positivity:

Write Hook. Early on in this year’s poetry-themed blogging adventure, I blog-swapped with Scott Morgan of WriteHook. Scott is the best kind of pest, constantly nudging and cajoling his readers to stop with the lazy excuses, stop with the weak words, and duke it out on the page. His writing is refreshing, bold, and kind, and I was thrilled when I had the opportunity to contribute my bit to his blog on why The Muse is a Sloth.

Conspire Coaching & Consulting. My friend Jen Walper Roberts conspires with talented and energetic parents to succeed and thrive in their careers and lives. I have benefitted greatly from Jen’s conspiratorial coaching. Early last month I contributed to her blog as a way to give back with a few reflections on Rilke’s “I want a lot.” 

Hieropraxis. is the brain child of my friend and All Nine contributor Dr. Holly Ordway. I’m now a regular contributor to Hieropraxis, writing on the creative process alongside several brilliant apologists, authors, artists, and all-around awe-inspiring talent. I’m humbled to my boots. My first effort was a tip of the hat to the modern movie classic “Romancing the Stone,” in which I explored a tendency toward romancing the poem as a way of avoiding the hard work of actually writing.

12Most. is, in their own words, a mecca of “savvy smartitude for busy professionals,” and man-o-man am I chuffed to be writing in the same virtual room as some truly heavy hitters in the social media arena. My first post for them featured my cut at the 12 Most Practical Excuses for Reading Poetry Daily.

Given the unexpected (and truly unplanned) exposure I’ve been given over the past several months as a result of one simple step toward intentionality, I look forward with great anticipation to what the rest of 2012 holds. If you have a dream, my word for you from my own experience is to wake up from the dream and make a commitment that you can keep. Then keep it.

No big deal. No magic. Just keep your word to yourself, for yourself. You’ll be amazed at what delights await you.

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